Demonstrate your value
Auckland ICT Graduate SchoolMaster of Information Technology
Possess the right mix of technological skills and business awareness
In a collaboration between the University of Auckland and the University of Waikato, the Auckland ICT Graduate School has developed the Master of Information Technology (MInfoTech) to meet a demand for ICT professionals who possess the right mix of technological skills and business awareness.
Internship: Preparing you for the world of work
A depth of business enterprise and project-based learning sets the MInfoTech apart from other qualifications. During the programme, one semester is devoted to an internship where you will work on a real-world project.

Industry Internship
A key course in your Master of Information Technology is the 10-week (400-hour) full-time internship. This integral component provides a unique opportunity for you to work on a real-world project while developing your technical expertise. Our partner businesses are some of the most respected in the ICT industry, and through your placement you’ll have the chance to learn the practical application of emerging technologies.
The internship is a University course that contributes to your overall degree. It gives you the opportunity to apply the business skills you have learned through workshops, as well as the technical skills you have learned in your other courses. During your internship you will be supported by an industry supervisor and an academic mentor, who you will report to regularly. At the end of your internship you will reflect on your experience, and deliver what you have learned in a report and presentation.
Your internship is a priceless opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and performance, while preparing you for a career in the fastest growing sector in the world.
Available Courses
180-point masters students must satisfy the following requirements:
- Industry internship worth 60 points (COMPSCI 778)
- At least 45 points from technical skills courses: COMPSCI 701–711, 715, 720–762, 765-767, 771-773, COMPSYS 701–729, ELECTENG 722, 726, 732, 733, INFOSYS 722, 727, 730, 735, 737, STATS 705, 707, 762
- At least 45 points from complementary skills courses: DIGIHLTH 701–706, GLMI 701, 703, 704, 706–712, INFOSYS 700-709, 720, 750, 751, 757, OPSMGMT 700, 702, 741, 780, SCIENT 701, STATS 779
- Up to 30 points from approved 600 or 700-level courses
120-point masters students must satisfy the following requirements:
- Industry internship worth 60 points (COMPSCI 778)
- At least 45 points from complementary skills courses: DIGIHLTH 701–706, INFOSYS 700-708, 720, 750, 751, 757, GLMI 701, 703, 704, 706–712, OPSMGMT 741, SCIENT 701, STATS 779
- Up to 15 points from approved 600 or 700-level courses
180-point masters students must satisfy the following requirements:
120-point masters students must satisfy the following requirements:
The full list of 500-level COMP papers can be viewed on the University of Waikato’s website.
Student Stories
Zarina's Story
Since I graduated I have been working for Tomahawk Brand Management. I did my internship with them and they offered me a full-time job when I finished my internship.